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Madame Ruby (Composer / Guitarist) 
  Chicago, IL  2012 - 2015
Besides having experience producing music, I also have experience as a recording musician. I played guitar in a band called Madame Ruby. We played many notable venues around Chicago including The Metro and Subterranean. We have also played with headliners like Cymbals Eat Guitars, Empires and Split Single. Back in 2014, Madame Ruby recorded with NS Audioworks on our first full length album. During the recording process I learned several things, such as  the differences between playing guitar live and playing guitar in a recording setting. In a live rock band setting, you want to have good stage presence and put on a good show, but in a recording session you really have to focus on how you play the instrument and how it will fit into the song in an appropriate and musical way.  

© 2018 by Connor Sherrill

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